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What is Language immersion education?

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Language immersion education

Language immersion programs are linguistically motivated leaves in the country of the target language. You choose the city of your immersion course according to your preferences. You make rapid progress and you will enjoy meeting local people and learn about local culture. At the language immersion school you meet participants from around the world who have the same goal, to learn the language in the country where it is spoken.

The local language center organizes the language immersion programs. The immersion courses will take place at the school; the participants will be divided into different ability groups. The language immersion education center can also provide you with accommodation like a hotel, a nice local host family, a shared apartment or a dorm, often there is a good selection of options. After the immersion lessons there are often excursions to local attractions or tastings of local products, such as a wine tasting in France for example. Not only will you learn the language, but you will learn also about the culture and civilization of the country.

Language Immersion programs offer many advantages over learning of a foreign language in the home country. We organize since more than 18 years French immersion courses in Montpellier. We did ask our clients: “Why language immersion education is great?” Following you will have some answers for this question, some might be specific to Montpellier and France, but hopefully they will be of interest for you.

French immersion courses in France last from 1 week to several months. Our clients confirm that “you step inside the French language and experience this first hand. You learn French much more intensively than in a French language course in your home country, because you will practice the language also outside of the immersion school – by talking with locals in everyday situations such as shopping, ordering drinks at the cafe, asking for directions etc. This is real French immersion.”

Better motivation by joining a French immersion school

Many of our immersion students mention that motivation of learning French in France in such a beautiful place as Montpellier is much higher than learning in your home country. One would indeed like to participate quickly both in French language discussions with classmates and locals in Montpellier, France.”

During language immersion programs you try your French in day to day situation and you will improve very quickly. You will meet very interesting people during your French immersion course in France. You make friends from all over the world with whom you will share your French immersion program, your spare time activities and the French immersion school’s activity program. You will make new friends for life.

Full immersion: French host family

A stay in a carefully selected host family in Montpellier during language immersion education will enable you to learn French very quickly. You will practice your French outside your French immersion school in a natural environment. You will discuss with your hosts during meals or during recreational activities. This immersion also means that you get to know the people and culture of the destination country better. In addition to language barriers you will overcome cultural barriers – a wonderful side effect of Language immersion programs. Prices of language immersion programs including a family stay are often cheaper than a stay in an average middle class hotel – and you learn French during your language holidays.

The French Immersion School

It is important to select a very good, accredited French immersion school, offering excellent French immersion courses in small classes. Schools that are recognized by the international associations like IALC and EAQUALS were examined on the spot and were given seals of quality. Teachers for the French immersion courses should be native speakers with several years of experience in teaching French. The school should have at least 6 different levels according to the European Framework for language teaching. A good infrastructure with learning supportive computers, beautifully decorated classrooms and common spaces and a central location make language immersion education in France a great experience.

Language Immersion programs – many advantages for the future

Successful language immersion programs offer immense benefits for your future.

  • You will receive a certificate of attendance for your French immersion course – a valuable element for your C.V.
  • This gives you an edge in applications – your CV will be worth more
  • Maybe you have taken official French exams like DELF or DALF
  • You improved your French and leant about French culture and civilization
  • You have accumulated an important experience abroad – this is now required by almost all companies
  • You have established interesting contacts with other students
  • During your French immersion course you have learned faster, more intense and better as this would have been possible in your home country

The Institut Linguistique Adenet in Montpellier is one of the most prestigious schools in France with over 18 years’ experience and students from over 70 countries.